Larry Kerns

Larry Kerns

Creator of the Star Universe series

Larry Kerns

@larrykerns - Author

Larry Kerns

Larry Kerns

@larrykerns - Author

I wrote my first story when I was five. I submitted it to Fantasy & Science Fiction magazine. They rejected it. After high school, I joined the Navy... more

Larry's books

Live on Discovery

Capping S'ers

Capping S'ers is a science fiction novel about a television show where individuals relate in an interview why they want to commit suicide and then with the help of the protagonist and an alien artifact, they may or may not die. California has closed its borders after collapse of the federal gove...

About me
I wrote my first story when I was five. I submitted it to Fantasy & Science Fiction magazine. They rejected it. After high school, I joined the Navy and did two tours in Vietnam. My business career has consisted of CFO positions for a variety of organizations on the west coast.
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