Kyle Bernier

Kyle Bernier

Kyle Bernier

@kylebernier - Author

Kyle Bernier

Kyle Bernier

@kylebernier - Author

Kyle Bernier is an art therapist, artist, researcher, and author who has spent years living and making creatively. Kyle holds a Master’s degree from t... more

Kyle's books

Lazy Creativity is a how-to to owning your creativity in a way that works for you. Creativity is incredibly important and is something most of us want more of in our lives but struggle to make room for. We have limited amounts of time, energy, and resources, so we have to work with what we have. ...

About me
Kyle Bernier is an art therapist, artist, researcher, and author who has spent years living and making creatively. Kyle holds a Master’s degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Kyle is currently based in Minneapolis, MNwhere he works, creates, and writes, when he isn’t feeling lazy.
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