Kristi Dement

Kristi Dement

Kristi Dement

@kristidement - Reader

Kristi Dement

Kristi Dement

@kristidement - Reader

At Research It Write, we provide exceptional research services to authors & aspiring authors. Master's degree in library science. School Librarian for... more

Kristi Dement
Kristi Dement imported 134 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the FutureSell the Way You Buy: A Modern Approach To Sales That Actually WorksPlace Branding for Small Cities, Regions and Downtowns: The Essentials for Successful DestinationsMeant for More: The Proven Formula to Turn Your Knowledge Into ProfitsBe the Go-To: How to Own Your Competitive Market, Charge More, and Have Customers Love You For ItPinterest Marketing Amplification: 7 Methods to Amplify Your Reach and Boost Sales ConversionsAnomaly: How to Finally Stand Out From the CrowdThe Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win--And Keep--Your Customers' Hearts and MindsThink and Grow RichThey Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer
Kristi Dementover 3 years ago
About me
At Research It Write, we provide exceptional research services to authors & aspiring authors. Master's degree in library science. School Librarian for 10 years. I read 200+ books each year. You're welcome to connect on LinkedIn (over 16K 1st connections).
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📚200 books read per year