Kit Trzebunia

writer, linguist, martial artist

Kit Trzebunia

@kittrzebunia -  Reviewer

Submission guidelines

Really good books are often genre-defying. That said, my fav genre is fantasy, but I could be convinced to branch out if the writing is excellent. And I do pick up the occasional non-fiction book, usually in the health/fitness category. Mildly explicit content only. Less than two months to launch may require me to skip your submission.

About me
Kit is an author, martial artist, linguist, fitness instructor, homeschooling mom, and crocheter of elephants. While she likes a good story, she loves great writing. Fav authors include Patricia A. McKillip, Robin McKinley, Amor Towles and Jane Austen. Kit's novel The Gatherer released Feb 7, 2024.
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📚 30 books read per year