Kirsten Bett

Kirsten Bett's book reviews

A day not read is a day not lived.

Kirsten Bett

@kirstenbett -  Author

Kirsten's books

Live on Discovery

My Name is Wilma

Great adventures of a cat whizzed to the other side of the world. Wilma was found on the Dutch tulip fields, only to be taken to New Zealand. She ponders why she has to put up with her humans’ constant endeavours to find a better life. While they work hard and worry about their work-life balan...

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About me
Hi, I am Kirsten, a self-published author. I also love reading. I am getting asked to participate in blog tours more often lately and I love that. I myself had asked for a review from one of your reviewers and I loved what she wrote so I'd like to do that for others as well!
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📚 60 books read per year