Kerry Jones

Here For the Books

Kerry Jones

@kerryjones7806 - Reviewer

Kerry Jones

Kerry Jones

@kerryjones7806 - Reviewer

she/hers, chaotic good, feminist in the intimidating way, I've read enough mysteries to solve your murder. likes: contemporary fiction, classics, hu... more

Kerry Jones
Kerry Jones started following Felicia Bengtsson, A. Siegel, Abby Magee and 46 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
she/hers, chaotic good, feminist in the intimidating way, I've read enough mysteries to solve your murder. likes: contemporary fiction, classics, humor, horror, thrillers, poetry. dislikes: the goldfinch, JK rowling on twitter
Profile URL

📚100 books read per year

🏆2 submissions per year