Kennedy Sangiovese

Kennedy Sangiovese

Kennedy Sangiovese

@kennedysangiovese - Author

Kennedy Sangiovese

Kennedy Sangiovese

@kennedysangiovese - Author

Hi, I’m Kennedy. I want to read all your lovely books! Since I’ve been taking these hormones I care about everything! Mainly, my over dramatic, presum... more

Kennedy's library

Aug 13, 2020
Cynthia A. Morgan
Currently reading
It's the year 2446, and the first three Horsemen of Revelation's Apocalypse have ridden. Pestilen...
About me
Hi, I’m Kennedy. I want to read all your lovely books! Since I’ve been taking these hormones I care about everything! Mainly, my over dramatic, presumptuous , irreverent, blasphemously delightfull coming of age story you shouldn’t read if you have no sense of the ridiculous and possibly impropriety.
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