Keith Melo

Keith Melo

Keith Melo

@keithweber3636 -  Author

Keith's books

In the desolate summer of 1899, Wyoming endured its darkest days. A mass disappearance swept across the state's towns, leaving them eerily deserted. The culprits? Harpies, mythical creatures migrating from Greece, their presence marked by countless feathers scattered throughout the abandoned sett...

Live on Discovery


The Ryukyu Islands, a center of diverse cultures, have absorbed martial arts techniques from various nations, giving birth to the distinctive and deadly Okinawan martial arts. This fusion, a product of centuries of trade and cultural exchange, has created a unique style forbidden for use excep...

About me
Keith Melo, born in 1990 in Okinawa, Japan, grew up as a military brat and excelled in art. Inspiring himself to create a bibliography of meaningful nonhuman characters and unique points of view, he no longer fears his dyslexia, which he has been battling his entire life.
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