Keith Armstrong

Keith Armstrong

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Keith Armstrong

@keitharmstrong - Reader

Keith Armstrong

Keith Armstrong

@keitharmstrong - Reader

I'm an Author, and a stay at home dad who wrote a book called. ‘Vampire Island’. I'm a normal person just like the middle aged man that lives next doo... more

Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong liked Keith Armstrong's update over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong liked Keith Armstrong's update over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong started following Archita Mittra, Gabby Virbasiute, DubaiFun Club and 21 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong started following megan chapman, Christine Nolfi, Cecilia Torres and 21 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong started following Adam Seward, Amara Gale, Akash Chaudhuri and 21 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong started following Alex Stargazer, Anthony Mercier, A Addam and 19 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Keith Armstrong
Keith Armstrong published a reviewover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
This is the first book that I wrote. I am very happy with the outcome and I am now writing another book based on one of the characters.
Vampire Island and the Battle for Malikperse
About me
I'm an Author, and a stay at home dad who wrote a book called. ‘Vampire Island’. I'm a normal person just like the middle aged man that lives next door. I look after my wife and kids, I shop at the local supermarket just like everyone else, and in my spare time I write vampire fiction.
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