Katterley Smith

Katterley's Kompendium of Kodex and Khronicles

Katterley Smith

@katterleysmith - Reader

Katterley Smith

Katterley Smith

@katterleysmith - Reader

I am so happy you invited me! I love reading, worked at a library, & would love to review with Reedsy Discovery! My tastes are eclectic. I am open to ... more

Katterley Smith
Katterley Smith imported 1627 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
WakeAscensionsThe Fine Art of Truth or DareA Child's Book of Dog Body Language with Pictures: Help Keep Children SafeThe Naughty ListQuiet! There's a Canary in the LibraryKeturah and Lord DeathThe Best of UsMarriage with a Proper StrangerThe Westing Game
Katterley Smith
Katterley Smith started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Katterley Smith
Katterley Smith started following Laurel Ann Nattressalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Katterley Smith
Katterley Smith started following Dennis Cardiffalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Katterley Smith
Katterley Smith started following Nicholas Fillmorealmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
About me
I am so happy you invited me! I love reading, worked at a library, & would love to review with Reedsy Discovery! My tastes are eclectic. I am open to most genre, & will read kids' stuff, too, for job & family! I also want to post video reviews on Youtube in the future.
Profile URL

📚30 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year