Kathryn Knowles

Kathryn Knowles

Kathryn Knowles

@kathrynknowles -  Author

Kathryn's books

Live on Discovery

The Relics of Illayan

In the stillness, a power wakes Caerlon is a kingdom where the power of Resonance has long been bound to a single bloodline, a single all-powerful ruler. Now, for the first time in centuries, the magic has been divided. On the night of the new king’s coronation, something causes his magic to fra...

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About me
Kathryn Knowles is a composer, cellist, conductor, and writer currently based in Toronto, Ontario. Kathryn received honourable mention in the Writer’s Digest 89th Annual Writing Competition for her poem, Beyond the Black Horizon’s Crease, and her short story, Lester’s Bird Feeder.
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