Kartik Sharma

Kartik Sharma

Tech enthusiast and book reviewer

Kartik Sharma

@kartiksharma8558 - Reader

Kartik Sharma

Kartik Sharma

@kartiksharma8558 - Reader

Being an avid fan of the role technology plays in the modern world, I spend my time reading and exploring books related to this field. My enthusiasm f... more

Kartik Sharma
Kartik Sharma started following Aplikasi Stok Barang, thumua pc79, Jian Heng and 21 morealmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
About me
Being an avid fan of the role technology plays in the modern world, I spend my time reading and exploring books related to this field. My enthusiasm for technology and its effect on people has led me to dive deep into various books about the topic.
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