Karen Yakey

Karen Yakey

An Author for all your Comedy-Action-Romance needs!

Karen Yakey

@karenyakey - Author

Karen Yakey

Karen Yakey

@karenyakey - Author

Karen Yakey writes novels for adult readers who enjoy a cocktail of romance, humor, and action with a dark-drama chaser. A self-professed queen of bee... more

Karen's books

Live on Discovery

Home Beyond Hell

Mistakes can kill you. That's why Captain Ethan Evans has been running from his for two years. Europe is a big place. He and his outlaw army of ex-soldiers are good at surviving, but commandeering a crumbling Dutch fort in the Netherlands might be just another mistake. Hidden by a mask and robe, ...

About me
Karen Yakey writes novels for adult readers who enjoy a cocktail of romance, humor, and action with a dark-drama chaser. A self-professed queen of beer-brewing and brisket-smoking, she pulled up her Texas roots to plant them in Florida. She loves travel, to feed her appetite for diverse experiences.
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