Karen Martin

Karen Martin

author, traveller, dreamer

Karen Martin

@karenmartin2610 -  Author

Karen's books

Live on Discovery

Dancing the Labyrinth

When Cressida falls pregnant, her overwhelming fear is that she will pass on her father’s violent DNA. It takes an ancient matriarchal culture to teach her otherwise. Dancing the Labyrinth is a young woman’s odyssey. It weaves a contemporary story of a young woman from an abusive background with...

Live on Discovery

The Bringer of Happiness

“I should have assumed with parents known to the world as Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, I would be different.” It is not her lineage that makes Sara different. It is her ability to time travel forward into other people’s bodies. Sara, whose Aramaic name means ‘bringer of happiness,’ is des...

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About me
I am an independent author living in regional Victoria, Australia. I have run away with a Women's Circus, created plays in prisons, and written theatre that strived for transformation. I travel to write in situ, and have learned to listen carefully when the muses whisper in my ear.
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