Jyotishree Datta Majumder

Life Simplified

Jyotishree Datta Majumder

@jyotishreedattamajum - Reader

Jyotishree Datta Majumder

Jyotishree Datta Majumder

@jyotishreedattamajum - Reader

I am Jyotishree. I am 25 years old and I run a YouTube channel along with my husband Abhishek. We talk about books and make book reviews on our channe... more

About me
I am Jyotishree. I am 25 years old and I run a YouTube channel along with my husband Abhishek. We talk about books and make book reviews on our channel. We're aspiring to become full time YouTubers soon.
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📚60 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year