Josh Erikson

Josh Erikson

Josh Erikson

@josherikson -  Author

Josh's books

Live on Discovery

Hero Forged

He thought he had covered all the angles, but it's tough to plan a contingency for accidentally trapping an evil god in your brain. Gabriel Delling might call himself a professional con artist, but when walking superstitions start trying to bite his face off, his charm is shockingly unhelpful. I...

Live on Discovery

Fate Lashed

Some heroes are born, some are made, and some are willing to fake it for the right pay. Gabe abandoned life as a conman after the disasters in Lincoln, and he even managed to carve out a bit of peace. Unfortunately, bad guys suck at respecting personal boundaries. So together with Heather and ...

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About me
I don't have any fancy credentials to tell you about here. I live in rural Nebraska (US) where I mostly read, write, and read about writing. My many awards and accolades include some beautiful certificates I printed at home and a yo-yo trick contest I once won in a grocery store parking lot.
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