Jon Smith

Jon Smith

Jon Smith

@jonsmith6930 - Author

Jon Smith

Jon Smith

@jonsmith6930 - Author

The bestselling author of 14 books for children, teens, and adults. Jon's books have sold more than 500,000 copies and are published in seven language... more

Jon Smith
Jon Smith imported 297 books to their Library over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
MagicianInstruments of DarknessFiresongThe Blokes Guide to BabiesThe Tiger Who Came to TeaDigital Marketing for Businesses in easy stepsThe Wicked KingOedipus the KingTales of Ordinary MadnessBabies & Toddlers for Men: 101 Tips
Jon Smith
Jon Smith started following Catalina Bonati, Felicia Bengtsson, Shrubaboti Bose and 127 moreover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
About me
The bestselling author of 14 books for children, teens, and adults. Jon's books have sold more than 500,000 copies and are published in seven languages. Jon is an award-winning screenwriter and musical theatre lyricist and librettist. The Fifth Horseman is his debut novel.
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