John Paul Jaramillo

John Paul Jaramillo

John Paul Jaramillo

@johnpauljaramillo - Author

John Paul Jaramillo

John Paul Jaramillo

@johnpauljaramillo - Author

Jaramillo is the author of The House of Order–stories —a 2013 Latino Book Award Finalist– and Little Mocos–a novel from Twelve Winters Press. In 2013 ... more

John Paul's books

Live on Discovery

Carlos Montoya a novel

World War I veteran and family patriarch, Carlos Montoya wanders the llano of New Mexico and Colorado, tormented by ghosts and struggling for spiritual and family unity. Just as the arms of the Six-Armed Cross at La Garita, Colorado, point toward one center, the Montoya family legacy melds the ad...

About me
Jaramillo is the author of The House of Order–stories —a 2013 Latino Book Award Finalist– and Little Mocos–a novel from Twelve Winters Press. In 2013 Latino Boom: An Anthology of U.S. Latino Literature listed Jaramillo as one of its Top 10 New Latino Authors to Watch and Read.
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