John Budzinski

John Budzinski

Good Stories Are Good Stories ... Especially when they help you remember yours

John Budzinski

@johnbudzinski - Author

John Budzinski

John Budzinski

@johnbudzinski - Author

John E Budzinski grew up in Stratford, Connecticut. He began writing to impress a college girlfriend’s father, a ploy that did not work, and continued... more

John Budzinski
John Budzinski posted an updatealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
My second book, "Life Goes On - Wait, wait, there is more to the story" is at editing. I am still on track for a September/October 2021 launch. Book three has its beginning and ending finished. Now, all I have to do is fill in what comes between them. It should launch in Q3 2022. Then... I have to finish telling Oliver's story. Oliver is a cat who has the task of introducing a new kitten, Rachel, to the neighborhood and is trying to teach her the things his human friends taught him, and those things about life that they just will never understand. My historical fiction novel, set in the late 1960s Appalachia, Virginia marches on.
About me
John E Budzinski grew up in Stratford, Connecticut. He began writing to impress a college girlfriend’s father, a ploy that did not work, and continued to write columns and newspaper stories for a variety of papers. A seasoned traveler and accomplished photographer, he resides near Iowa City.
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