Joey W. Hill

Joey W. Hill

Joey W. Hill

@joeywhill - Author

Joey W. Hill

Joey W. Hill

@joeywhill - Author

Award-winning author of BDSM contemporary and paranormal romance. Since Dominance and submission can be expressed in endlessly fascinating and intense... more

Joey W. Hillabout 4 years ago
@reedsian5399, I get that a lot, and it's always wonderful to hear! I've looked at the idea of marketing movie rights, and have done some things in that direction, but the writing and basic marketing of the books takes up so much time, I haven't given as much to it as I likely need to do (smile). Maybe one day, though! Thanks for the good words.
Joey W. Hillabout 4 years ago
Thank you so much, Wymanette! So happy that you enjoyed Rory and Daralyn's story, and thank you for taking the time to read and give your feedback on it.
Joey W. Hill
Joey W. Hill commented on Wymanette Castaneda's update about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Wymanette, thank you so very much for reviewing Rory and Daralyn's story, and doing such a thoughtful and detailed review of the book. I'm so glad you found it a worthwhile read!
About me
Award-winning author of BDSM contemporary and paranormal romance. Since Dominance and submission can be expressed in endlessly fascinating and intense ways, her 50+ books and six series go down a variety of paths: M/f, F/m, M/m, M/f/M, F/m/f, IR, heroes/heroines with disabilities and more. Enjoy!
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