Joellyn St. Pierre

Joellyn St. Pierre

You are safe. You are surrounded by love. And you are never alone.

Joellyn St. Pierre

@joellynstpierre - Author

Joellyn St. Pierre

Joellyn St. Pierre

@joellynstpierre - Author

Joellyn spent 20 years in theater, did 7 Broadway shows, including A Chorus Line. When many of her friends died from AIDS, she dedicated the next 20 y... more

About me
Joellyn spent 20 years in theater, did 7 Broadway shows, including A Chorus Line. When many of her friends died from AIDS, she dedicated the next 20 years as a death midwife. Mentoring with Dr. Raymond Moody, she adapts the ancient Greek culture's technique of speaking with and serving the dead,
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