Jodi Lea Stewart

Jodi Lea Stewart

Author Who Writes High-Concept Fiction with a Literary Pen

Jodi Lea Stewart

@jodileastewart - Author

Jodi Lea Stewart

Jodi Lea Stewart

@jodileastewart - Author

Jodi Lea Stewart is a fiction author writing about the triumph of the human spirit through adversity. She has rubbed elbows with cowpunchers, intellec... more

Jodi Lea's books

Live on Discovery

The Gold Rose

From the early 1940s, The Gold Rose, a secret rescue agency with Asian origins, has used a unique system to save victims in every corner of the world. Charlotte Hunt-Basse, an agent with ROSE, faces numerous challenges to save the lives of two of her assignments—Pinkie and Babe. Two-year-old...

Live on Discovery

The Accidental Road

Escaping from an abusive home life, Kat and her mother tumble into the epicenter of crime peddlers invading Arizona and Nevada in the 1950s. Stranded hundreds of miles from their planned destination of Las Vegas, they find themselves in a dusty town full of ghosts and tales, treachery and corrupt...

About me
Jodi Lea Stewart is a fiction author writing about the triumph of the human spirit through adversity. She has rubbed elbows with cowpunchers, intellectuals, Southern folks, & all shades of beautiful people her whole life and now writes adventure novels set in the South, Southwest & far beyond.
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