J.M. Beraldo

J.M. Beraldo

J.M. Beraldo

@joaoberaldo - Author

J.M. Beraldo

J.M. Beraldo

@joaoberaldo - Author

J.M. Beraldo is a Brazilian game designer and writer living in Singapore, where he works on the Assassin's Creed video game series. He has published h... more

J.M. Beraldo
J.M. Beraldo upvoted God Kings of Niparshaabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
J.M. Beraldo
J.M. Beraldo left a comment on God Kings of Niparshaover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
@unknown-user I'd love that sort of opportunity, but I guess there is a long journey before I can get near that :)
J.M. Beraldo
J.M. Beraldo started following ivair Gomesover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
J.M. Beraldo is a Brazilian game designer and writer living in Singapore, where he works on the Assassin's Creed video game series. He has published half a dozen science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories in Brazil, plus several RPGs and video games worldwide.
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