"Unpredictable." "Roller Coaster." "Historical fiction meets Dr. Who." Finalist in Literary Fiction, 2019 IPNE Book Awards (Independent Publishers of New England) What happens when a smart, practical, modern woman begins to doubt herself because something unexplainable has occurred? Tory Roof...
Silver Line is a tale in the truest sense of the word, combining American folklore, time travel, and a modern mystery. Jared Sutherland knew nothing of the diary that lay hidden in a quiet corner of Colorado, nor did he know he had a former life. Son of the main character in Tory Roof, he had...
For men in mid-life crisis, women in dull jobs, or anyone seeking adventure, Absent takes you on a wild ride. Carter Sutherland, a former science teacher, is now a think tank executive near DC. His world is precise and analytical; his demeanor, reserved. Because he is partially color-blind, h...