JiB Bruebaker

JiB Bruebaker

JiB Bruebaker

@jibbruebaker -  Author

JiB's books

Gilly and his best friend—his dog Sam are Golf Balls with hearts as big as Gilly's drive. In Gilly's Big Dream, Sam helps Gilly overcome his fear of the hole. Then, Gilly prepares for a tournament. Gilly and Sam, along with their Golf Ball friends, are a great introduction to golf and give valuab...

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About me
As an avid golf enthusiast, I immerse myself in the artistry of the game, from mastering techniques to unraveling it's mysteries with data. My passion for golf is not just about playing; it's a canvas for creativity. I revel in composing whimsical golf parody songs. Golf has become my schtick.
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