Jennifer Conner

Jennifer Conner

Jennifer Conner

@jenniferconner2858 - Author

Jennifer Conner

Jennifer Conner

@jenniferconner2858 - Author

Jennifer Conner is a best-selling Northwest author who has written eighty short stories, screenplays, books, and audiobooks. Her horror screenplay, St... more

Jennifer's books

Live on Discovery

Broken Faces

As World War I rages on, a New York socialite and an Irish metalsmith join forces to create lifelike ceramic masks for wounded soldiers, offering hope and a chance at a normal life. Broken Faces is a collaborative new fiction from Chris Karlsen, the winner of the NYC Big Book Award and Chantic...

About me
Jennifer Conner is a best-selling Northwest author who has written eighty short stories, screenplays, books, and audiobooks. Her horror screenplay, Starvation Heights, placed in four national contests and won three including the Austin After Dark contest.
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