Jayne Faith

Jayne Faith

Magic, action, adventure, and a dash of romance!

Jayne Faith

@jaynefaith - Author

Jayne Faith

Jayne Faith

@jaynefaith - Author

Hi, I'm Jayne Faith, author of the Ella Grey Series, Stone Blood Series, Tara Knightley Series, and Sapient Salvation Series. more

Jayne Faith
Jayne Faith posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Instagram update! I'm back on the Insta! :D If you're there too, please find and follow me -- I'm: @JayneFaithBooks and I'd love to connect.
About me
Hi, I'm Jayne Faith, author of the Ella Grey Series, Stone Blood Series, Tara Knightley Series, and Sapient Salvation Series.
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