Jacqueline Heron Wray

Jacqueline Heron Wray

Jacqueline Heron Wray

@jacquelineheronwray - Author

Jacqueline Heron Wray

Jacqueline Heron Wray

@jacquelineheronwray - Author

Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1959, I began my general nurse training in 1978 and midwifery training in 1981. After working in many places in the UK ... more

Jacqueline Heron Wray
Jacqueline Heron Wray liked Felicia Bengtsson's update almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Jacqueline Heron Wray
Jacqueline Heron Wray started following Felicia Bengtssonalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Jacqueline Heron Wray
Jacqueline Heron Wray shared an update on King Street To King's Roadalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
I am frustrated tell you my second book is not finished. Mum died after a long battle with Alzheimer's, then a pandemic came . I thought lockdown would be the perfect opportunity to finish it but nothing was forthcoming. I turned to crafting and my dolls house, yes you heard that correctly. Dolls house ( I have written a blog about it) A few weeks ago I gave a talk about my first book, much postponed because of said pandemic . Something happened that night. A spark of enthusiasm lit my passion for writing again. Halellugh. I am concentrating on short stories for now and my blog. You can read it at Jacquelineheronwray. com .
About me
Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1959, I began my general nurse training in 1978 and midwifery training in 1981. After working in many places in the UK and in America, I returned to Ayrshire in 2017, and have just written my first book, an autobiography/social/medical history.
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