Jabeer Shaik

Jabeer Shaik

Jabeer Shaik

@jabeershaik - Reader

Jabeer Shaik

Jabeer Shaik

@jabeershaik - Reader

I am a nerd who has deep love for the language and stumbled upon books at an early stage in my childhood. I'd rather read a book than to go out and ba... more

Jabeer Shaik
Jabeer Shaik started following Toni Cox, Brian Collierabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
I am a nerd who has deep love for the language and stumbled upon books at an early stage in my childhood. I'd rather read a book than to go out and bake under the sun. My love for a good story is what make me belive that I am a good fit for this.
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📚40 books read per year