Itamar S.N.

Itamar S.N.

Itamar S.N.

@itamarshafrirnadjari - Author

Itamar S.N.

Itamar S.N.

@itamarshafrirnadjari - Author

Itamar S.N is an Israeli writer and musician. In his writing, he combines his education and interest in the history and politics of the Middle East. more

Itamar S.N.
Itamar S.N. upvoted The Middle Between Usover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Itamar S.N.
Itamar S.N. upvoted Tabula Rasaover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Itamar S.N.
Itamar S.N. started following J.S. Mortonover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Itamar S.N.
Itamar S.N. left a comment on WHITE SMOKE over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Thank you so much for every word in this review. I read everything carefully:) I'm actually in the US now and having a little book tour after New Year's Eve. If you are in NYC, Boston or DC, please allow me to thank you in person:)) Cheers Itamar S.N (but you can call me Tita)
About me
Itamar S.N is an Israeli writer and musician. In his writing, he combines his education and interest in the history and politics of the Middle East.
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