Husain Necklace


Husain Necklace

@husainnecklace - Reader

Husain Necklace

Husain Necklace

@husainnecklace - Reader

I am a current English Literature student at Al Jamea Saifiyah Academy, a blogger, a writer, and an avid reader. Writing and reading have been my pass... more

Husain Necklace
Husain Necklace imported 31 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
The ShiningMiseryThe Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual
Husain Necklace
Husain Necklace imported 164 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
The Belgariad, Vol. 1: Pawn of Prophecy / Queen of Sorcery / Magician's GambitWork Smarter Not Harder: 18 Productivity Tips That Boost Your Work Day PerformancePoint of ImpactClassical PhilosophyAn Introduction to PhilosophyThe Wisdom of the Knowing Ones: Gnosticism, the Key to Esoteric ChristianityThe Two TowersOn Writing: A Memoir of the CraftNightriseDoes God Control Everything?
Husain Necklace
Husain Necklace started following Alex Stargazer, Andres Kabel, Anthony Mercier and 21 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Husain Necklace
Husain Necklace started following Joanna Joseph, Lisa Wroble, Sarah January and 44 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
I am a current English Literature student at Al Jamea Saifiyah Academy, a blogger, a writer, and an avid reader. Writing and reading have been my passion ever since I was ten years old. I had my first book published at the age of fifteen and am currently working on my second book.
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📚80 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year