Heidi Gonzalez

Paper safari

ReadingGrrls adventures into the magical world of Books

Heidi Gonzalez

@heidigonzalez - Reader

Heidi Gonzalez

Heidi Gonzalez

@heidigonzalez - Reader

Executive Director of a non-profit by day. Book junkie all the time. I read everything from romance to a Sci-fi. Iā€™m a certified yoga teacher and arom... more

Heidi Gonzalez
Heidi Gonzalez imported 1 book to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Dopeworld: Adventures in Drug Lands
Heidi Gonzalez
Heidi Gonzalez imported 933 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Yes, SirJack of HeartsThe Passion of CleopatraRise & Shine, Benedict Stone14Bonds of HopeFace ValueIQThe Roanoke GirlsThe Wrath of Angels
Heidi Gonzalez
Heidi Gonzalez started following Michael Sahdalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
About me
Executive Director of a non-profit by day. Book junkie all the time. I read everything from romance to a Sci-fi. Iā€™m a certified yoga teacher and aromatherapist and use a lot of holistic medicine due to allergies to most western medication.
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šŸ“š175 books read per year

šŸ†60 submissions per year