Hazel Bearndahl-writer

Hazel Bearndahl-writer

Hazel Bearndahl-writer

@hazelbearndahlwriter - Reader

Hazel Bearndahl-writer

Hazel Bearndahl-writer

@hazelbearndahlwriter - Reader

Hazel Bearndahl-writer
Hazel Bearndahl-writer commented on Hallie Hoffman's update 2 months ago
2 months ago
The cover of Splinters of Scarlet ©2020 attracted me in the YA section of the library even though I am 71 years old. A scarlet rose is embroidered on fine linen with fractured lines of pale blue to navy stitching extending beyond the design. On the back cover, the 1st person narrator reveals that her father's death was not accidental – whatever he knew got him killed. I was hooked and added it to my stack. My reward for reading Emily Bain Murphy's second published novel caused me to purchase a copy for myself before reaching the 38th and final chapter. I wrote quotes in my journal. I sensed commentary on invisible class divisions present in our modern world while reading this historical fantasy set in Denmark during 8 months of 1866 to 1867. Finally, I was encouraged as characters gained their autonomy incrementally while I turned pages as rapidly as my reading allowed. I became so impressed with Murphy's ability to spin a grand tale that I read Murphy's first book, The Disappearances. My preconceived notion of what The Disappearances were was quickly corrected, and I was immersed in a roller coaster ride starring two siblings forced by circumstances to live in a town full of secrets. Because of this book, I pondered the sensory details in my life that I often take for granted. Emily Bain Murphy has done what many strive to accomplish – create a compelling debut novel and follow it with another page-turner packed with deep truths. I will soon be checking out her adult historical mystery, Enchanted Hill, "where two people with a dark, shared past collide while working undercover at a glittering mansion on the California coast." Move over, books on my to-be-read pile.
Hazel Bearndahl-writer
Hazel Bearndahl-writer published a reviewover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Accidents link Annie Oakley in 1901 and Ruth McClintock in 2018 sending each on a journey to change past/ future by revenge or redemption.
Annie and the Wolves
Hazel Bearndahl-writer
Hazel Bearndahl-writer added Annie and the Wolves to the bookshelf over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Annie and the Wolves