hansika vaid


hansika vaid

@hansikavaid - Reader

hansika vaid

hansika vaid

@hansikavaid - Reader

I am a writer by profession and I absolutely love reading books. Ive been a reader since I was 6. more

hansika vaid
hansika vaid commented on Felicia Bengtsson's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
I am reading Wonderstruck. It is a children's book. There are two protagonists whose stories are set 50 years apart. One's story is told in words and the other's in pictures. Even though they're 50 years apart, there are many points of similarity in both which makes the story really fascinating.
hansika vaid
hansika vaid started following Felicia Bengtssonover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
I am a writer by profession and I absolutely love reading books. Ive been a reader since I was 6.
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📚50 books read per year