Hamed Alhamdan

Hamed Alhamdan

Hamed Alhamdan

@hamedalhamdan - Reader

Hamed Alhamdan

Hamed Alhamdan

@hamedalhamdan - Reader

A 44 year old. Avid book reader. Read just about 1,418 books. I read mostly non fiction in history, economy, politics, biographies, self-help and busi... more

Hamed Alhamdan
Hamed Alhamdan started following David Rasmussen, Hirak Kalita, Meg Nocero and 5 moreabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
A 44 year old. Avid book reader. Read just about 1,418 books. I read mostly non fiction in history, economy, politics, biographies, self-help and business. I completed my business studies in the University of Toledo, Ohio in the US.
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📚160 books read per year