Gitanjali Kalia

Geetanjali Kalia

Gitanjali Kalia

@gitanjalikalia9197 - Reader

Gitanjali Kalia

Gitanjali Kalia

@gitanjalikalia9197 - Reader

A learner at heart, from field experience to academic ambience, people interaction and experimenting with new ideas have been my area of interest and ... more

Gitanjali Kalia
Gitanjali Kalia posted an updateabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Hi There, I am currently reading 'The Law of The Garbage Truck' by David J.Pollay on recommendation from a friend. Let see how it turns out to be?
Gitanjali Kalia
Gitanjali Kalia started following Filip Forsbergabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Gitanjali Kalia
Gitanjali Kalia posted an updateabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Holla Readers, I am really excited to join this platform and explore some interesting reads. Kindly recommend some interesting book if you have read something latest. Also, I am a review books professional and runs my own blog at
About me
A learner at heart, from field experience to academic ambience, people interaction and experimenting with new ideas have been my area of interest and has proved to be stepping stone towards my achievements.
Profile URL

📚10 books read per year

🏆5 submissions per year