Gideon E. Wood

Gideon E. Wood

Gideon E. Wood

@gideonwood - Author

Gideon E. Wood

Gideon E. Wood

@gideonwood - Author

Gideon E. Wood writes gay fantasy fiction. He has been proudly clean and sober since 2011. Second chances and transformation are at the heart of his w... more

Gideon E. Woodalmost 4 years ago
@unknown-user Thank you!
Gideon E. Woodalmost 4 years ago
@unknown-user That's kind. Thank you. I'm afraid I'm too busy making #2 and #3 as cool as possible to fantasize about HBO money yet. Hehe. :)
Gideon E. Woodabout 4 years ago
Hi! I’m the writer of this book, Gideon. I’m glad you found some things to enjoy in the story and I appreciate your time and thoughts so much, Richelle. I wanted to offer a small but important factual correction: The sequel is not told from Vared’s perspective. It’s still from Tel’s point of view! There is, however, a *prequel* short story/novelette that centers on Vared. It’s available (free!) at my website. Thanks, again, Richelle!
About me
Gideon E. Wood writes gay fantasy fiction. He has been proudly clean and sober since 2011. Second chances and transformation are at the heart of his work. Gideon lives in New England with his cat but thinks it’s important you know he isn’t a cat person.
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