Geoffreyjen Edwards

Geoffreyjen Edwards

Geoffreyjen Edwards

@geoffreyedwards - Author

Geoffreyjen Edwards

Geoffreyjen Edwards

@geoffreyedwards - Author

Author Geoffreyjen Edwards, before becoming a science-fiction writer, led a successful career as a full-time scientist. Plenum: The First Book of Deo,... more

Geoffreyjen's books

Vanu Francoeur is a gender-neutral novice in the Kinship of the Suffering God, whose mandate is to seed new stars within a stellar nursery. Hir encounter with an exotic outsider stirs up a storm of conflicts within the usually quiet community, as well as creating havoc in Vanu's relationships wit...

About me
Author Geoffreyjen Edwards, before becoming a science-fiction writer, led a successful career as a full-time scientist. Plenum: The First Book of Deo, is his first published novel. Dr. Edwards lives in Quebec City, Canada. He also is a fashion designer. Visit him at
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