Gádor Rubias

Gádor Rubias

Gádor Rubias

@gadorrubias - Reviewer

Gádor Rubias

Gádor Rubias

@gadorrubias - Reviewer

Hello! My name is Gádor, although I mostly go by Gee, and my pronouns are she/her. Ever since I learned to read all by myself at not even three years ... more

Gádor Rubias
Gádor Rubias imported 1044 books to their Library almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Shutter IslandTweet CuteIncendiaryThe Last GuardianSweet & Bitter MagicWe, The Lucky FewSkywardLaila Winter y las Arenas de SolarïeThe Seven Husbands of Evelyn HugoPicture Us in the Light
Gádor Rubias
Gádor Rubias started following Felicia Bengtsson, Emily Quinn, Israel Tucker and 7 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Hello! My name is Gádor, although I mostly go by Gee, and my pronouns are she/her. Ever since I learned to read all by myself at not even three years old, I have never stopped doing so. I enjoy both the reading, and the reviewing, and I'm particularly invested in helping indie authors succeed.
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📚95 books read per year