Gabriel Ciulinaru

Gabriel Ciulinaru

Gabriel Ciulinaru

@gabrielciulinaru -  Author

Gabriel's books

After a long summer vacation, it's time for Anxious Hippo to return to school. There, he discovers something unexpected that makes him feel very anxious. His best friend, Calm Hippo, knows the perfect solution to help Anxious Hippo overcome his fears.

Lots of things can make you angry. From popsicle-stick castles that won’t stay in place to seeing that all the swings are already taken in the playground. Angry Hippo’s friend Peaceful Hippo is there to give him a helping hand, and Angry Hippo learns a simple yet efficient technique for how to m...

Uncomfortable things happen. Whether you wake up late on the morning of an important competition, or you miss the bus and have to walk to school, you can find ways to keep calm even when things go wrong. Calm Hippo finds the silver lining in every tricky situation. Let Calm Hippo help you learn...

Change can be difficult. That's because you're requiredto step out of your comfort zone or familiar world, intothe unknown. Happy Hippo knows how to cope with change by seeing things in a different, happy way. Even though he and his parents are moving away fromwhat Happy Hippo knows, he remains ...

Every child wants to be sure of their parents’ love and attention, no matter how many siblings are in the family. Sharing parental love and attention is harder for some children than for others. At first, Jealous Hippo thinks being the older brother is fun and interesting thing, but as time goes...

The pain of loss can feel overwhelming. For Sad Hippo, losing his best friend, Charlie, the dog, is a painful thing as it is for all children who loved and lost their pets. To help him overcome the sadness, his friend Love Hippo teaches him to see things differently. Sad Hippo learns how to cele...

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About me
My mission is to help children understand their emotions. Their future success in life depends on how well they are able to cope with their feelings in a healthy manner. The first step is to have an awareness of what exactly their emotions are, and then find the words to help describe them.
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