fatima miqdad

fatima miqdad

fatima miqdad

@fatimamiqdad - Reader

fatima miqdad

fatima miqdad

@fatimamiqdad - Reader

Hello, My name is Fatima Miqdad. I am 26 Moroccan single freelancer female, who is in dire need of more reading material and guidance. I hope to be ab... more

fatima miqdad
fatima miqdad liked fatima miqdad's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
fatima miqdad
fatima miqdad imported 60 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The Darkest HourDark LoverDeath Note, Vol. 1: BoredomLothaireDukes Are ForeverSeduce Me at SunriseRivetedAct of CommandLover UnboundPassion Untamed
About me
Hello, My name is Fatima Miqdad. I am 26 Moroccan single freelancer female, who is in dire need of more reading material and guidance. I hope to be able to review the books i read, in a platform that will take seriously my opinion.
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📚86 books read per year