E.S. Barrison

E.S. Barrison

E.S. Barrison

@esbarrison - Reviewer

E.S. Barrison

E.S. Barrison

@esbarrison - Reviewer

E.S. Barrison has been writing for as long as she can remember. After graduating from the University of Florida, she has spent the past few years wran... more

Direct submissions

I can review your book!

Submit your book to me directly on Reedsy Discovery

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Submission guidelines

Review Policy

As an indie author, I know how important reviews are to get a book off the ground. In an effort to build a community of support, I’ve begun to review books regularly, bringing myself back to my love of reading from years ago.

If you are interested in me reviewing your book, please read through all of this before submitting a request. All opinions are my own and I will be honest, kind, but critical in every review I write.

I will review most genres of books EXCEPT Erotica. This is one area I don’t feel comfortable reading. That being said, I will read books that have heavy sex scenes, but that cannot be the sole purpose of the plot.

That being said, while I’ll accept any genre of books, which books I select will be at my discretion. I accept submissions ongoing and will make a decision which books to review at the start of the month.

I will contact you if you are selected to discuss how to obtain a copy. I accept both physical and digital copies of books (or books on Kindle Unlimited).

Rating System


This book is absolutely spectacular. I could not find any flaws in it and will be thinking about it for years! Everyone should add this to their shelves!


This book was great! I really enjoyed it despite a few minor things. Definitely recommend this book!


This book was good. I enjoyed it heavily and definitely think others will as well. There were some issues that prevent me from rating it higher though.


While this book wasn’t necessarily the greatest book and there were some pitfalls in it, it definitely has its merits and I can see why people should check it out. Don’t let my review sway you from not taking a look.


Very rarely do I give 1 star reviews. These are typically reserved for two scenarios: DNFs or books that I find completely and utterly irredeemable. This is rare.

I will leave my review on my blog, on Goodreads, on Reedsy, and on Amazon. Any book that receives a 3.5 star or higher review will also be shared on my Instagram and Twitter. If you would like me to review the book anywhere else, please let me know.

About me
E.S. Barrison has been writing for as long as she can remember. After graduating from the University of Florida, she has spent the past few years wrangling her experiences to compose unique worlds with diverse characters. Currently, E.S. lives in Orlando, Florida with her family.
Profile URL

📚40 books read per year

🏆20 submissions per year