Eric Harrison

Eric Harrison

Change your life by Changing the lives of others

Eric Harrison

@ericharrison - Author

Eric Harrison

Eric Harrison

@ericharrison - Author

Eric Harrison is committed to helping others change their lives in order to become the best version of themselves. In his debut book, as well as thro... more

Eric Harrison
Eric Harrison started following Patrick Gibbonsover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Eric Harrison
Eric Harrison upvoted Mustard Seed Faithalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Eric Harrison
Eric Harrison left a comment on Mustard Seed Faithalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
What started out as a bucket list item has become a calling. I am vested in helping people discover the best version of themselves and would love to hear from anyone with questions or comments about how this book helped them and to address any thoughts or ideas on how I can improve.
About me
Eric Harrison is committed to helping others change their lives in order to become the best version of themselves. In his debut book, as well as through his speaking and coaching, Eric inspires people to focus on doing something every day that over time will change lives and outcomes.
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