Douglas Bullis

Douglas Bullis

Douglas Bullis

@douglasbullis -  Author

Douglas's books

We all love to read history, but what was it like to live it? What did it mean to live an everyday life like you, me, or anyone we see during the day if we walked with them a hundred years ago? Three hundred years ago? Six hundred? What did people wear, what were their jobs, what did they eat, wh...

We all love to read history, but what was it like to live it? What if we could walk with people who lived a hundred years ago, seeing what they saw, hearing what they heard? Three hundred years ago? Six hundred? Nine hundred? What did they wear? What was their work? What did they eat? What did th...

Live on Discovery

Book of Days

Book of Days follows the lives of a single low-born French clan as they progress from their founding in the year 1003 and are given their name by a local lord: Lefief. Thereafter, the book recounts the events of a single member of that clan as they live their humble daily lives, one member on one...

What could happen if we eliminated every precondition of what should occur on a printed page, and started over with a blank page and pure invention?

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About me
I've been publishing books since 1981 and presently have 23 listed under my name on and another 24 on my website I live in South Africa and write about cultural history and the art that lies hidden within the complexities of astrophysics.
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