Don Simkovich

Don Simkovich

Writing to Inform, Inspire and Entertain

Don Simkovich

@donsimkovich - Reader

Don Simkovich

Don Simkovich

@donsimkovich - Reader

I'm compelled to create characters that excite my imagination and make me feel deeply about who they are as people. Writing is key to our relationsh... more

Don Simkovich
Don Simkovich imported 57 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st CenturySewer Creature: The ScreenplayNever Coming BackThe Bridge LadiesOne Perfect LieThe Greatest Salesman in the WorldThe Sound of GravelThe King's AgentThe Lucky OneEat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
Don Simkovich
Don Simkovich posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Tom Stone: Subterfuge is my 5th novel with Lon Casler Bixby and we're prepping for a mid-November launch. This book is a milestone for us. It shows me the passion of why I can write crime and thriller fiction. The main character, or guest character, Luis Delgado, is a man who evokes tremendous empathy in me. The read is fun and we've had strong feedback from our initial Beta readers, but it's also an important tale for me. I feel that the story has meaning, as does crime fiction as a genre.
Don Simkovich
Don Simkovich started following Nick Rippington, Tim Miller, Marylee MacDonald and 19 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Don Simkovich
Don Simkovich started following Jeyran Main, Lali A. Loveover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
I'm compelled to create characters that excite my imagination and make me feel deeply about who they are as people. Writing is key to our relationships whether in personal lives or business. I also like telling the stories of entrepreneurs to learn from what they've created.
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