Donna Power


Book reviewer

Donna Power

@donnapower - Reader

Donna Power

Donna Power

@donnapower - Reader

I am a lifelong book Dragon who loves reading and talking about books I love, so I have begun writing reviews and thoughts on books. I am 46-years-you... more

Donna Power
Donna Power posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Hi. I see that I have 80 followers. I am completely new to this whole thing. I am writing my first novel, the first of a series. If anyone would like to follow my Facebook page, it is under my pen name D.A. Power. I also have a Patreon account for anyone who is interested,
Donna Power
Donna Power started following Felicia Bengtssonabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
About me
I am a lifelong book Dragon who loves reading and talking about books I love, so I have begun writing reviews and thoughts on books. I am 46-years-young with three boys but still make time to read everyday.
Profile URL

📚151 books read per year