DIY:CognitiveTherapy Vida La Revolution

DIY:CognitiveTherapy Vida La Revolution

As a man thinks in his heart he becomes

DIY:CognitiveTherapy Vida La Revolution

@diycognitivetherapyv - Author

DIY:CognitiveTherapy Vida La Revolution

DIY:CognitiveTherapy Vida La Revolution

@diycognitivetherapyv - Author

Alex Mezulari is a decorated USAF veteran who has studied the world's wisdom traditions for two decades. That process cured him of 13 years of sufferi... more

About me
Alex Mezulari is a decorated USAF veteran who has studied the world's wisdom traditions for two decades. That process cured him of 13 years of suffering, drug addiction, and homelessness. In the 90s he worked as a stockbroker and a chef. He sought the solution to suffering and it is enlightenment.
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