Diane Lynch

Diane's Book Blog

Diane Lynch

@dianelynch - Reader

Diane Lynch

Diane Lynch

@dianelynch - Reader

My husband Tim and I have been married since 1999. We have one son Justin born in 2003. We have a husky named Everest, three cats Tigger Tom, and Whit... more

Diane Lynch
Diane Lynch imported 1601 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
MicahMake Me SinGoing All InJuicy ReboundThe MasterThe Aubrey RulesBeneath The SkinSticks Stones and Dragon Bones IIRumble FishThe Dragon Heir
Diane Lynch
Diane Lynch published a reviewalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Isabella Cassazza wins with DEFYING GRAVITY, the first book in the Ice Tigers series.
Defying Gravity: An Ice Tigers Hockey Romance
Isabella Cassazza
A hockey star. His hidden boyfriend. And his fake girlfriend. What could go wrong? Tyler Wolfe ha...
Diane Lynch
Diane Lynch started following Felicia Bengtssonalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
About me
My husband Tim and I have been married since 1999. We have one son Justin born in 2003. We have a husky named Everest, three cats Tigger Tom, and White Sox, two ferrets named Kane & Toews, and a 200-gallon saltwater tank.
Profile URL

📚150 books read per year