Deepika Garg

Cormer Cafe Tales

Deepika Garg

@deepikagarg4212 - Reader

Deepika Garg

Deepika Garg

@deepikagarg4212 - Reader

I'm an 18 year old bookdragon, master daydreamer and chronic book hoarder. I absolutely love talking books to anyone interested. I recently started a ... more

Deepika's library

Nov 12, 2021
Vanessa Rasanen
Want to read
AN HEIR ON THE RUN In one month, Aoife Cascade will turn twenty and take her seat on the Council of ...
Oct 29, 2021
Shane Boulware
Want to read
The Soulstealer’s greatest power is that no one believes it exists… …except Steven Carpenter. One...
About me
I'm an 18 year old bookdragon, master daydreamer and chronic book hoarder. I absolutely love talking books to anyone interested. I recently started a blog for the same, and run a book based instagram page. I'm always up for a bookish chat and have a book rec up my sleeve.
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📚25 books read per year