Debbie Iancu

Debbie Iancu

Debbie Iancu

@debbieiancu -  Author

Debbie's books

Live on Discovery

Speechless in Achten Tan

Mila hasn't spoken in the five years since she became an Onra, a first-level Everfall witch. After failing the test to reclaim her voice and control her magic, her mentor sends eighteen-year-old Mila to Achten Tan–City of Dust–a dangerous desert town, built in the massive ribcage of an extinct le...

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About me
Debbie Iancu-Haddad, is the author of "Speechless in Achten Tan," a fantasy adventure with a big dollop of romance. She loves to join anthologies, write VSS on Twitter, and buy way too much stuff online. Her goal is to promote body-positive characters (#ownvoices) and taste all the chocolate.
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